Doodle Warriors – Essentials Digital Art Course (Premium)

Doodle Warriors – Essentials Digital Art Course

Doodle Warriors – Essentials Digital Art Course   Free Download Latest . It is of  Doodle Warriors – Essentials Digital Art Course   free download.

Doodle Warriors – Essentials Digital Art Course  Overview

Here’s What’s Inside
The Key to Accurate Proportions
How to avoid “same face syndrome” and draw what you’re imagining instead of ending up with the same drawing time and time again.

Why you shouldn’t GUESS proportions but do something completely different with them (this will let you see your own mistakes, fix them, and start creating drawings that you like consistently).

The Secret of Perspective
The secret of perspective or how to “unflat” your drawings… You need just this one basic rule to start creating 3D-looking art immediately.

Stop watching tutorials on perspective. (They all cover what I call “advanced perspective” and none of them focus on what I call “Simple Perspective”which is what gives your art DEPTH)

Why it’s impossible to improve a flat drawing. If you watch only one video, watch this one because it’s the root cause behind Imposter Syndrome. Plus, the simple way to fix flatness.

The Easiest Way to Approach Anatomy
The easiest way to approach anatomy that DOESN’T require you to learn every individual muscle (leave that to medicine students haha).

Start your painting by drawing this first if you want your character to look three-dimensional no matter what art style you’ve chosen.

How to “separate” the body in 8 parts in your mind so you can easily create movement in your characters and not feel like every time you’re just drawing a static stickman.

How professional artists are able to quickly draw poses and gestures in 5-10 minutes AND manage to make their character look 3D.

How to spot your mistakes WHILE drawing your painting so you prevent errors from adding up and leaving you with art you’re not proud of.

The Simple Guide to Lineart
The simple guide to Lineart and how to avoid it looking worse than your sketches… You’re missing this one little thing in your Lineart to make your drawings come to life.

What brush setting you should turn on in your art app so your drawings look more professional and have that “wow” effect.

How thousands of our students create drawings that look 3D right away… Some just bought a digital tablet, others have been practising for years. Just do this one exercise to give your painting a real, 3D look.

The Step by Step Shading Process
The step-by-step process for shading that isn’t messy and muddy. (The secret professionals don’t want you to know; works for every art style!)

How to make your drawing better than the reference.

The mistake art enthusiasts make when they pick references for shading practice.

Downloadable ZIP & PSD files with references and their sketches so you canpractice your shading. (Including a special tool we use in our courses to help you recognize where the lights and shadows must be.)

The Color Formula
The “Color Formula” for paintings that look real and lively.
Why you should FORGET studying color theory as an aspiring artist.
How to simplify painting in color. (This is what makes it complex, thus confusing even experienced digital artist.)
How to use what I call “Color-Shifting” and make your paintings’ colors come alive…This is the essence of The Color Formula.
The light source secret professional artists use to make their drawings look even livelier than before. (Use THESE references so your drawings get to that professional level, too!)


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