Triple Spiral Audio Spirit Fields for Omnisphere 2 (Premium)
Triple Spiral Audio Spirit Fields for Omnisphere 2 Free Download Latest . It is of Triple Spiral Audio Spirit Fields for Omnisphere 2 free download.
Triple Spiral Audio Spirit Fields for Omnisphere 2 Overview
Spirit Fields is an Omnisphere 2 soundset with 111 presets and is created from 149 custom soundsources . A rich collection of dreamy and ambient ARP’s and sequences, floating pads and textures, mysterious bells and soundscapes. Spirit Fields provides you with a collection of beautiful, light and positive presets. This soundset is a sort of follow up from my previous Omnisphere 2 soundsets Empty Fields F2 and Springendal. This soundset is inspired by my daily hikes and journeys into the beautiful nature area where I live and where I explore with my little son all the fascinating aspects of nature. The presets in Spirit Fields are a reflection of my experiences and feelings during those journeys.
37 BPM ARP,, 8 Bells and Vibes, 7 Ethnic World, 6 Human Voice, 5 Keyboards, 16 Pads + Strings, 2 Synth Bass, 23 Textures Playable, 7 Textures Soundscape
Requires: Omnisphere 2.8.5+
Included in the purchase is also a Unified version , which is completely optional and is intended for users who like to work with and load soundsets in Pluginguru’s Unify.